Untold; An Immersive Weekend Storytelling Retreat for Women, in Search of their Story.When: 25-27 October 2024 Friday 2pm - Sunday 3pm.Where: Skoven Kalder Retreat Centre, SwedenTotal Cost (incl. food & accommodation): £600

We live in wild times. It seems that we are lacking human connection, nature connection and connection to self. What is the remedy?Perhaps there is no remedy, aside from remembering; remembering who we are and remembering what our purpose, as human beings, is. Perhaps we need to jog our memory.Story IS memory. Story is connection to self, to nature & to each other. To tell stories is to flex the muscle of our memory. Stories can help us to re-member each other & to re-member ourselvesThis is a weekend of re-membering ourselves with a story.
This is a weekend of pausing and reflecting upon where we are in our life's journey.
This is a weekend of telling, listening and unearthing the stories of our roots and ancestry.
This is a weekend of listening deeply and unearthing the gifts we have come here with, to give back to the World.
At times we reject our own gifts, because we think that someone else’s gift is better; gifts that we wish were our own, but are not the ones that our ancestors made us responsible for sharing with the world. Personally and culturally, we step away from ourselves to pursue another story, maybe one that isn’t ours or that we are ill equipped to tell.Through story, nature and movement practices Jan Blake & Carina Lyall lead you through an exploration of how these gifts reveal themselves to you.Through this workshop you will have the unique experience of discovering the amazing and extraordinary that lives right there where your feet touch soil. .

About Jan

Award-winning storyteller Jan Blake is widely regarded as one of the world’s finest storytellers.
Of Jamaican heritage, Jan has performed in theatres & Storytelling & Spoken Word Festivals worldwide. Working with mythology & folktales from Africa, India, The Caribbean & The Arab regions, she uses words to weave worlds into existence, inviting audiences to immerse themselves in new landscapes and the human experiences of those people in her narratives.
Over her 37 years as a professional storyteller Jan continued to innovate continues to innovate within the field, is the Artistic & Programme Director of The Akua Storytelling Project and in 2014, designed the storyteller training programme ‘A Body of Words, founded to train & develop storytellers, to amplify the value of storytelling as a major performing art

About Carina

For the past 14 years Carina has guided people to come closer to nature, their inner and outer wild. She has worked with groups and retreats and has years of experience in holding space for inquiry and connection. The focus has been on community, nature, storytelling and rewilding in a modern world.
Carina has a popular podcast called ‘Becoming Nature’ where she interviews peers from around the World, on sustainability, the wild, skill building and climate issues. She offers year long mentorships for people who want to build knowledge about and skills to work with the land.
She was born in Northern Canada with deep roots with the indigenous people. She now lives with her family of 5 in the woods.


Krokshult 5,
362 96 Ryd,
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© Jan Blake Carina Lyall. All rights reserved.